Monday 1 July 2013

5th Fasting Day - Today Is Hard

Monday 1st July 2013

Today is hard. Not sure why though. My other fasting days have been easy, so I didn't even bring any low calorie snacks with me to work.

Just need to keep busy I guess.

For those fasting, what strategies do you use to make it easier if it's hard going?

Tuesday 25 June 2013

My radio show

Tuesday 25 June 2013

So, I don't know if I've mentioned that I have a radio show here in Invercargill.  It broadcasts on Radio Southland 96.4FM and you can listen online anytime, anywhere in the world at 

My show is called Time Passages with Amanda. Each week the show has a theme, and I usually play "old school" classic rock, jazz, funk - good stuff!! Music with words! Made by real musicians!!

This week the show was a collection of covers - some a little quirky! Here's the link if you would like to take a listen.

There's also a Facebook page

I'd love to know what you think! And please let me know if you have any requests, or ideas for a theme for one of my shows.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Fast Diet continues

Thursday 20 June 2013

Today is my second fasting day. I have to say that I found the first one on Monday a breeze. I even went out for coffee at lunchtime to a cafe, but just had a black coffee and didn't feel tempted at all.

Today may be a little challenging, as it's FREEZING cold today, but I am determined not to fall off the wagon.

I have found that I'm more conscious of what I eat on non-fasting days, which can only be a good thing!

I've been reading the forums on and it is really great to see the different ways that people are tackling this way of life and reaping the benefits! Heaps of meal ideas too!

If you're thinking of trying this way of eating/living, I would really encourage you to give it a go. See if a friend or a family member will do it with you. I know of one other person here in Invercargill doing it, I'm sure there are more!

Keep warm!

Monday 17 June 2013

Starting the Fast Diet (5:2 Diet)

Monday 17 June 2013

Today is Day One. First fasting day. Haven't yet weighed myself because I can't find my scales, so might have to duck into a pharmacy (or next door to Weight Watchers) to weigh myself. I also need to buy a tape measure so that I can take some measurements to track my progress. I'm dreading what the numbers will look like, but I guess I have to know where I'm starting from. It's all going to get better from here!

For those of you that don't know, the 5:2 diet is about intermittent fasting. As a woman I can have 500 calories 2 days per week and eat as I normally do the other 5.

Stay tuned for updates!

Friday 24 May 2013

Stepping out of my comfort zone

24 May 2013

Tonight I'm going speed dating. For the first time. 
No expectations, so I guess I can't be disappointed!

Stay tuned!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Pet hates

OK, it's got to be said. I absolutely hate bad spelling and grammar. What makes it even worse though, is when it's in the press. 

Whether it be news websites, social media, emails or even text messages, I simply can't stand it.

Why use the English language if you're going to butcher it.

Apostrophes!! Do they not teach children about their use any more?

There, their, and they're.

You're and your.

If you bring it you brought it, if you buy it you bought it. It's not that hard!!

So-called marketers and social media experts that can't spell - please people - pay more attention and use more care!!

Taking the plunge

Thursday, 16th May 2013

OK, so here goes. This is my blog. I've never done this before! This blog is musings on my life and what I observe around me. I might have a rant and rave sometimes, but doesn't everyone?

Who am I?
I'm Amanda. I'm 42 years old and live in Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand. It's a place that I never would have imagined that I would live. But here I am. One day I might tell you what brought me here.....

I work for the local Community Access Radio Station - Radio Southland. It is, quite possibly, the best job I've ever had! It certainly doesn't feel like work most days.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

The above quote is certainly true for me in this job!! I get to work with a couple of lovely guys, meet rather interesting people, AND have my own radio show; something that I've always wanted to do. Radio has been a passion for as long as I can remember!